Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is concerned with the creation of materials with novel properties and their use in a variety of fields ranging from ultra-fast computer chips and high-efficiency solar cells to high-powered jets, and even beauty products. Today, engineering innovations are increasingly dependent on breakthroughs in materials at the micro- and nanometer scale. Students in MSE acquire a solid background in the basic sciences and in the engineering of materials, with hands-on laboratory experience in nano-scale materials characterization and processing. This program prepares graduates for a variety of careers in fields such as nanotechnology, electronics, computing, the biomedical, automotive and aerospace industries, as well as government agencies and research laboratories.



CIRM stem cell conference participant and student researcher.
New Horizons in Healing
BCOE will host the annual California Institute for Regenerative Medicine stem cell conference on August 5-6 with more than 100 student researchers who will showcase their projects and advances in regenerative medicine.
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Mantis shrimp
Smashing Success
Alumnus Garrett Milliron co-invented a materials science technology that was inspired by the “smasher” mantis shrimp and was recently used to develop a "bioinspired marvel," high-performance, impact-resistant hockey equipment
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Engineering student professional organizations soar to success
Financial support from October’s annual BCOE Match Challenge helped drum up donations for student professional organizations, totaling the most donors in the challenge’s six-year history.
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Power plant in Kieve
UCR professor’s insights featured in major scientific journal
The insights of UCR professor Mihri Ozkan are featured this week in an online edition of a highly respected scientific journal.
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