
Grinder/Polisher: Allied MetPrep 3 with Power Head


MSE 150


Included in Fixed Fee-For-Service Membership

Instrument Specifications
Programmable Steps Max 25
Variable Platen and Jog Speed 40 - 600 RPM (10 RPM increments)
Sample Speed 0 - 150 RPM (10 RPM increments)
Rotation Direction Comp and Contra (Sample Holder/Platen)
Force Modes Single and Central
Variable Cycle Time 0 - 120 minutes (15 second increments)
Fluids Available Water Rinse
Sample Force

LbF (pound force) or N (newton), selectable units

Central: 5 - 50 LbF (1 LbF increments) or 22 - 219 N (4 N increments)

Single: 0 - 16 LbF (1 LbF increments) or 0 - 70 N (4 N increments)

Rinse Time 0 - 60 seconds (1 second increments)

Force Reduction

On/Off option

Force Reduction Time 0 - 60 seconds (1 second increments)
Force Reduction % 0 - 90% (10% increments)
Force Start (force reduction by 70% for first 10 seconds for any step) On/Off option
Consumables Provided (Only for Metallography)
Silicon Carbide Paper 8" 180, 320, 600, 1200 Grit (Item #: ASSORT-PSA)
Diamond Suspension

6 microns (Item #: 90-32025)

3 microns (Item #: 90-33020)

1 microns (Item #: 90-33015)

0.5 microns (Item #: 90-33010)

0.05 microns (Item #: 90-32995)

White Label Cloth 8"

Used with 1, 3, and 6 micron suspensions only (Item #: 90-150-500)

Final A Cloth 8" Used with 0.5 and 0.05 micron suspensions only (Item #: 180-10005)
Useful Documentation
UCR training and operators manual UCR MSE Polisher Training Notebook rev 1.3 (updated 3/20/24)
Manufacturers operators manual Met Prep 3 Manual
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